Home > PIC news > New brochure, “Pacific Island Countries Travel Guide” published

New brochure, “Pacific Island Countries Travel Guide” published

As part of the “Pacific Island Countries Economic Recovery Project” that has been implemented since last year, a new brochure “Pacific Island Countries Travel Guide” has been produced to promote the tourism sector. This brochure covers 14 Pacific Island Countries and two regions, and introduces what activities are available in each country by presenting model courses. In addition, the ‘Find the perfect trip for yourself!’ page allows users to answer questions and follow the chart to reach potential destinations. Each page also contains a mini-quiz, which we hope you will enjoy reading and will help you to make the most of your trip. 

 “Pacific Island Countries Travel Guide” is available in print, PDF and E-book format.

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You can use the comprehensive guide or just the pages of the countries you are interested in, so we hope you will find it useful in your travel plans.