Home > PIC news > Sir Claude Gambey, Chief of Staff to the President of the Government of New Caledonia, visited PIC

Sir Claude Gambey, Chief of Staff to the President of the Government of New Caledonia, visited PIC

On Friday, July 19, 2024,Chief of Staff to the President of the Government of New Caledonia, Sir Claude Gambay, and External Relations Advisor to president of the Government of New Caledonia, Mr. Charles Wea, and Mr. Gaston Wadrawane, Point of contact for the delegation of New Caledonia at PALM10 visited PIC and exchanged views on New Caledonia’s exports during their visit to Japan to attend PALM10 in Tokyo.

At the beginning of the meeting, PIC Director explained that nickel and its processed products accounts for approximately 95% of New Caledonia’s exports to Japan and that the country is also a popular tourist destination. Mr. Gambey mentioned that if New Caledonia is to further expand trade with Japan, it is important not to rely solely on nickel, but also to discover other products, such as sandalwood and coconut oil. In response, PIC mentioned, “we invited a New Caledonian company to Foodex2024 held in March this year and introduced vanilla, rum, honey, beer, and vanilla beans”, for which the New Caledonian delegation were very grateful.

Regarding investment possibilities, PIC suggested that there might be potential in the fisheries sector, such as shrimp aquaculture facilities, and that in the renewable energy sector, the introduction of solar power generation could contribute to “green nickel” by converting part of the nickel industry’s electricity to renewable energy. The discussion turned into a lively exchange of opinions.