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Tonga Ministry of Fisheries CEO, Dr. Vailala Visits PIC

On Friday, July 19, 2024, Dr. Vailala, CEO of Tonga Ministry of Fisheries, accompanied by the Tongan Prime Minister attending PALM 10, visited PIC and exchanged views on our activities.

At the beginning, PIC Director explained that “mozuku” (seaweed) accounts for a high percentage of trade products between Japan and Tonga and is in strong demand in Japan, and that a Tongan who exports mozuku to Japan spoke at the fisheries seminar held in Tokyo in November last year. CEO Vailala mentioned that Tonga is the only pacific island country that can produce natural mozuku, and that it is one of the most important export products. It was agreed that the future goal is to revitalize the fisheries sector and further strengthen the relationship between Japan and Tonga by encouraging Japanese companies with aquaculture technology to expand their business in Tonga.