Home > PIC news > Report:Investment Seminar “Survey Report on Pacific Island Countries and Business Development Case Study” successfully conducted

Report:Investment Seminar “Survey Report on Pacific Island Countries and Business Development Case Study” successfully conducted

On Friday, May 31, 2024, PIC hosted an investment seminar, “Survey Report on Pacific Island Countries and Business Development Case Study” (at Iino Conference Center, Tokyo), which was successfully completed with the participation of 88 people (79 participants and 9 officials), including private companies and Pacific Island Country officials.

The seminar started with an opening address by Director of Oceania Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, followed by reports (in the fields of trade and investment and tourism) on the surveys conducted in each country as part of the “Pacific Island Countries Economic Recovery Project”, presentations by three Japanese companies, one from each sub-region, on their efforts to expand into Pacific Island Countries, and a video message from Vanuatu Foreign Investment Promotion Authority (VFIPA).

The seminar concluded with closing remarks by H.E. Dr. T. Suka MANGISI, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Embassy of The Kingdom of Tonga, and networking continued after the seminar.

・This seminar is certified as “PALM 10 (the 10th Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting) Commemorative Project”.



Outline of the event
Organized by:International Organisation Pacific Islands Centre
Date & Time:Friday, May 31, 2024, 14:00-16:30
Venue:Iino Conference Center Room A(A1~A3)
Language:Japanese and English with simultaneous interpretation


Opening remarks Mr. Ryuzo Saito
Director at Pacific Islands Centre
Greeting from Guest of Honor Mr. Satoshi Jimbo
Director, Oceania Div., Asia and Oceanian Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Japan
Report on Trade and Investment component of this project Dr. Keisuke Nishikawa (Senior Manager),
Mr. Kosuke Tomoshige (Manager), others
Report on Tourism component on this project “Potential for tourism in Pacific Island countries” Mr. Naoki Takanashi
Deputy Director, Global Business Support Department
Kaihatsu Management Consulting, Inc.
Presentation by private companies
     Micronesia Region(Palau)      “The Path to Opening a Ramen Restaurant in Palau” Mr. Yuzo Hoshino
President and Representative Director, BUDDY TRAINING Co., Ltd
Melanesia Region(Vanuatu)“The Investment Environment in Vanuatu and Examples of Investment by Other Countries. Mr. Alick Robsen Joe
Investment Promotion Officer, Vanuatu Foreign Investment Promotion Authority (VFIPA)
“Introduction of Delighting Everyone Project” Mr. Masao Suzuki
Project Manager, Delighting Everyone Project Team, Next Business Development Div,
Toshiba Corporation
Polynesia Region(Samoa) “Cultivation and Commercialization of Orchids in Samoa”  Mr. Takeyuki Sasao
President and Representative Director, Akabira Orchid
Closing Remarks H.E. Dr. T. Suka MANGISI
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Embassy of The Kingdom of Tonga
Networking Time