
All visitors travelling to Nauru will need to obtain a visa. Those who belong under visa fee exempt countries need not pay the visa fee but are required to lodge a visa application prior to travel and selected three countries are under visa waiver agreement. All visitors will need a passport that is valid for at least 6 months since their arrival in Nauru.Countries that need to obtain a visitor’s visa have a simplified visa procedure. These visitors do not need to submit proof of their criminal record or proof of their medical fitness along with their visa application as per the Nauru visa policy.Your visa will be approved by Nauru’s Department of Justice and Border Control, following all the rules under the Nauru visa policy guidelines. You will need a printed copy of this visa approval letter in order to enter Nauru.To apply for a Visitor’s visa to Nauru, you will need the following:・A complete application form (this form is provided by Nauru Tourism via email or click here for the Nauru Tourist visa application form.https://naurutourismcom.files.wordpress.com/2023/05/nauru-tourist-visa-application-form.pdf・A scanned copy of your passport bio page.・A scanned passport photo・Travel tickets/Itinerary towards & return from Nauru.・Hotel booking confirmation.・Document to prove your current employment/occupation (If you are unemployed, you’ll need to provide a bank statement)14

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