[コーポレートサービス] Phone: (+675) 308 4422/4400 Email: annam@ipa.gov.pg 【Internal Revenue Commission(IRC)】 Website: https://irc.gov.pg/ 【PNG Customs Service】 P.O. Box 923, Port Moresby NCD Phone: (+675) 312 7500(Gerneral Enquiries)、(+675) 7091 9000(Customs Wasman Hotline) Email: info@customs.gov.pg tariffntrade@customs.gov.pg (Tarrif and Trade) NCC@customs.gov.pg (Small Crafts Reporting / Pre-Arrival Notification / Unscheduled Flights) Website: https://www.customs.gov.pg/index.html 【Department of Lands and Physical Planning】 Email: information@dlpp.gov.pg Website: https://dlpp.gov.pg/ 【Papua New Guinea Chamber of Commerce & Industry】 Website: https://www.pngcci.org.pg/ 【Papua New Guinea’s Official Travel Site】 Website: https://www.papuanewguinea.travel/ 【Special Economic Zone Authority】 P. O. Box 701, Waigani, NCD. Papua New Guinea Website: https://www.sezapng.com/ 88
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