
[事業者登録・認証] Phone: (+675) 308 4439/4400 Email: registrar.companies@ipa.gov.pg [知的財産オフィス] Phone: (+675) 308 4432/4400 Email: registrar.ipopng@ipa.gov.pg Website: www.ipopng.gov.pg Classification of Publication (Censorship) Act 1989 Commercial Advertisement (Protection of Local Industry) Act 1985 Commercial Advertisement (Protection of the Public) Act 1976 Trade Marks Act 1978 (Chaper 385) Trade Marks Regulation (Chapter 385), 1978 Baby Feed Supplies (Control) Act 1977 Baby Feed Supplies (Control) Regulation 1977 Bread Act 1974 Bread Regulation 1974 Broadcasting Corporation Act 1973 Business Names Regulation 1964 Business Names Act 1963 ž ž ž ž ž ž ž ž ž ž ž ž ž Drugs Regulations 1958 ž Drugs Act 1952 ž ž ž Animals Act 1952 ž ž ž ⑲ 情報コンタクト先 【Investment Promotion Authority(IPA)】 PO Box 5053, Boroko, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea Website: https://www.ipa.gov.pg/ [投資家向けサービスおよびプロモーション] Phone: (+675) 308 4413/4400 Email: spd@ipa.gov.pg Export (Desiccated Coconut) Regulation 1956 Export (Fish) Regulation 1953 Commerce (Trade Descriptions) Act 1952 Excise (Beer) Act 1952 Excise (Beer) Regulation 1952 daroap@ipa.gov.pg 87

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