
ž World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (Ratification) Act [Cap 298] ž Companies Act (Cap. 191) ž Designs Act No. 3 of 2003 ž Patents Act No. 2 of 2003 ž Trademarks Act No. 1 of 2003 ž Circuits Layouts Act No. 51 of 2000 ž Copyright and Related Rights Act No. 42 of 2000 ž Geographical Indications (Wine) Act 2000 ž ⑲ 情報コンタクト先 【Vanuatu Foreing Investment Promotion Authority(VFIPA) 】 Phone: (+678) 24096/24441 Email: investment@investvanuatu.vu Website: https://investvanuatu.vu/ 【Department of Industry(DOI)】 Montfort street, Port Vila, Shefa, 9106, Vanuatu Phone: (+678) 33415 Website: https://doi.gov.vu/index.php 【Vanuatu Financial Services Commission(VFSC)】 Phone (Port Vila Main Office): (+678) 22247 Phone (Santo Office): (+678) 36454 Email (Registration): registrar@vfsc.vu Email (Other issues & information): info@vfsc.vu Website: https://www.vfsc.vu/ 【Vanuatu Department of Immigration and Passport Services】 Phone (Port Vila Office): (+678) 33175, Mobile: (+678) 732665/5275877 Phone (Santo Office): (+678) 36724 PMB: 365 Email: vispassport@vanuatu.gov.vu visqueries@vanuatu.gov.vu Website: https://immigration.gov.vu/ Trade Secret Act No. 52 of 2000 119

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