
。 ⑰ 外国人就労規則 263 WIPOウェブサイト バヌアツ国内で会社を経営する場合は、Department of Immigrationに居住許可証(Residency Permit)を申請する必要がある。また、外国人従業員の受け入れは可能だが、主要な技術職またはDirector/General Managerでなければならず、労働許可(Work Permit)をDepartment of Laborに申請する必要がある(詳細は「⑨ 投資政策・法令」参照)。 ⑱ 知的財産権の保護の状況 以下の関連法・規制を制定しており、WIPOにも2012年に加盟している ž Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Expressions of Culture Act (Act No. 21 of 2019) ž Act No. 13 of 2012 Ratifying the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organisation ž Act No. 16 of 2012 on the Ratification of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary ž Declaration of Convention Countries Order No. 40 of 2012 (Trademarks Act No. 1 of 2003) ž Trademarks for Goods and Services (Fees) Regulation (Amendment) Order No. 116 of 2012 (Trademarks Act No. 1 of 2003) ž Archives Act [Cap 216] ž ž ž ž ž ž ž Deposit of Books Act [Cap 88] ž ž ž ž ž Geneva Conventions Act (Cap 150) ž ž ž ž Vanuatu Agricultural Research and Technical Centre Act [Cap 286] ž Vanuatu Red Cross Society Act [Cap 151] Broadcasting and Television Act [Cap 214] Business Licence Act [Cap 249] Business Names Act Cocoa Act (Cap 139) Convention on Biological Diversity (Ratification) Act [Cap 217] Customs Act E-Business Act (Cap. 264) Electronic Transactions Act [Cap 263] Environmental Management and Conservation Act (Cap 283) Food (Control) Act [Cap 228] Penal Code [Cap 135] Pesticides (Control) Act [Cap 226] Telecommunications Act (Cap 206) 118 263

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