
【Industrial Development Division, Ministry of Commerce, Industry, Labour and Immigration】 Tel: (+677) 28104 Headquaters: (+677) 20323/26078 Website: https://solomons.gov.sb/ministry-of-commerce-industry-labour-and-immigration/industrial-development-division/ 【Inland Revenue Division (IRD), Ministry of Finance】 Tel: Seminars & Advisory (+677) 21493 Goods Tax (+677) 28249 Sales Tax (+677) 28248 Employers (+677) 21493 Vehicle & Driver Licensing (+677) 28243 Audit Issues (+677) 25452 Debt (+677) 22643 Income Tax (+677) 28307 Auki phone (+677) 40590 Gizo phone (+677) 60728 Email: taxeducationteam@mof.gov.sb Website: http://www.ird.gov.sb/Front/Front.aspx?ID=471 【Ministry of National Planning and Development Coordination】 Tel: (+677) 38255/38256 Website: https://solomons.gov.sb/ministry-of-national-planning-and-development-coordination/ 【Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry】 1st Floor, Suite 213, Hyundai Mall, Central Honiara, P.O.Box 650, Honiara, Solomon Islands Tel: (+677) 39542, (+677) 39543 Email: services@solomonchamber.com.sb Website: https://www.solomonchamber.com.sb/ 102

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